TinyDuino Starter Kit – Coin Cell version [Discontinued]
This TinyDuino Starter Kit is a great way to start with your TinyDuino and begin creating some cool projects!
This kit includes the following items:
- TinyDuino Processor Board with coin battery holder– Runs your Arduino programs
- TinyShield USB Board (side mount) – Used to communicate with your TinyDuino from your computer and upload new programs
- TinyShield 16 Edge Green LED board (green) – Used to display LED status and patterns
- 3 TinyShield Proto boards (without top connector) – Used to connect to external circuitry if needed
- Hardware Mounting Kit (screws, nuts and standoffs) – Used to securely mount the TinyDuino boards together
Comes preloaded with a ‘cylon’ like sketch to show off the LED TinyShield, just plug it in and get going. This kit also includes basic instructions to get your first program running.
To learn more about the TinyDuino Platform, click here.