Grove – Digital Light Sensor – TSL2561
This module is based on the I2C light-to-digital converter TSL2561 to transform light intensity to a digital signal. Different from traditional analog light sensor, as Grove – Light Sensor, this digital module features a selectable light spectrum range due to its dual light sensitive diodes: infrared and full spectrum.
You can switch between three detection modes to take your readings. They are infrared mode, full spectrum and human visible mode. When running under the human visible mode, this sensor will give you readings just close to your eye feelings.
- Selectable detection modes
- high resolution 16-Bit digital output at 400 kHz I2C Fast-Mode
- Wide dynamic range: 0.1 – 40,000 LUX
- Wide operating temperature range: -40°C to 85°C
- Programmable interrupt function with User-Defined Upper and lower threshold settings
- Product number: Seeed 101020030
- Product Wiki
- Introduction to Grove
- Preface – Getting Started