PBTfans Valhalla
PBTfans Valhalla
channel your inner warrior!
Valhalla, also known as the “hall of the slain,” was a mythical hall in Norse mythology where the bravest warriors who died in battle were taken by the Valkyries to live with Odin, the god of war, wisdom, and death. Vikings believed that dying in battle was the ultimate honor and the only way to reach Valhalla, where they would be able to fight and feast until the end of days. Valhalla was seen as a place of glory and honor, and the concept of the afterlife was an important part of Viking culture. This set draws upon the inspiration of the Viking warriors and their beliefs in their gods!
- Material: ABS material
- Profile: Cherry profile
- Production Method: Doubleshot, Tripleshot for Runes sublegends
- Sublegends: Younger Fthark Runes
- Manufacturer: PBTfans
- Packaging: ABS keycaps tray with designed tray cover
- Friendly Reminds: Only keycaps included, no keyboard
- Compatibility: Cherry MX switches and MX-style clones
- Designer: SxM Designs
- Working on the mould customization for novelty keys. (2024-03-28)
- R3 color chips were approved, waiting for the physical sample.(2023-10-20)
- R3 color chips sent to the designer for confirmation.(2023-10-09)
- R2 color chips sent to the designer for confirmation.(2023-9-13)
- R1 sample wasn’t approved, will do R2 sample(2023-09-04)
- Working on the mould customization for novelty keys and sub legends(2023-08-9)
- R1 Color ships send to the designer for confirmation. (2022-11-07)
QC standard
PBTfans Keycap QC Standard: Link
- To be updated